Online learning

Your Ultimate UI/UX Design Learning Platform

Uxcel is a fun and complete online learning platform. It offers interactive lessons and tests for people interested in UI/UX design. It's easy to use and always up-to-date, making design easy to understand for everyone, whether you're just starting or already a pro.

In web design, it's important to keep learning new things. Uxcel is the top place for UI/UX design education in 2024. It's more than just lessons; it's a way into the exciting world of design.

Uxcel has lots of courses, hands-on tests, and a big community worldwide. It makes learning fun and interesting. You can start learning about design for free, no matter if you're new or already know a lot. You'll learn a lot and meet other designers from all over.

What is Uxcel?

Uxcel is the best online place for UX/UI designers. It's where learning and new ideas come together. Uxcel is easy to use and helps people all over the world learn about UX/UI. It uses tools like Amplitude and Intercom to make learning better and more fun. Uxcel is more than courses; it's a full learning place.

Build your UX design skills

Starting in UI/UX design is easy and free with Uxcel. The courses are fun and practical, with real-world examples. They're good for beginners and people who want to get better. You can learn at your own speed and get feedback. Uxcel lets you start a career in UI/UX design or improve your skills for free. It's a great resource for digital design.

Key features

Uxcel changes how people learn UI/UX design. It has courses, interactive learning, skill tracking, a community, and a mobile app.

  1. Comprehensive UX Courses
    Uxcel has many UX courses for new and experienced designers. The courses mix theory and practice. You get tests to make sure you understand. The 'Pro' courses cover advanced topics by experts. This keeps learners ready for real design work.
  2. Interactive Learning
    Uxcel's lessons end with a test and feedback. This helps you see and improve weak areas. The design challenges let you use what you learn in real situations. This makes learning fun and effective.
  3. Skill Graph
    Uxcel's Skill Graph shows your design skills visually. It helps you see your progress and areas to improve. It updates after tests, keeping you motivated to learn more.
  4. Design Community
    Joining Uxcel means joining a big design community. It's great for networking and learning from others. The community has design challenges and helps you stay up-to-date with design trends.
  5. Mobile App
    The mobile app is good for learning on the go. It has many features from the website and is easy to use.


Uxcel's pricing is fair. You can start learning for free. To get more advanced courses, you can pay for a Pro subscription.

Pros and Cons


  • Full learning platform for UX design.
  • Interactive and fun materials.
  • A community for connecting with other designers.


  • Deeper content costs money.
  • The free version has less content.
  • Not all features are on the mobile app.


Are Uxcel courses free?

Yes, many Uxcel courses are free. They cover different parts of UI/UX design. The platform also has 'Pro' courses for a fee.

Is Uxcel accredited?

Uxcel is not formally accredited but is well-known in the design industry. Finishing courses on Uxcel can improve your skills and portfolio.

How much do UX designers make?

UX designer salaries vary. As of my last update, new UX designers make about $50,000 to $70,000 a year, and experienced ones can make over $100,000.

What does UX do?

UX means making products that are meaningful and work well for users. It includes design, branding, usability, and function. UX designers focus on the whole process, making products look good and work well.

Wrap Up

Uxcel is a great choice for learning UI/UX design. It offers free courses, design challenges, and lots of resources. It makes UX design easy for everyone. You can learn in a fun way and meet others in the field. Whether you're new or experienced, Uxcel has something for you. It helps you learn anywhere with its mobile app.

In short, Uxcel is a valuable tool in UI/UX design education. It gets you ready for real design work and keeps you up-to-date. With Uxcel, learning to be a great UX designer is fun, easy, and full of chances to grow personally and professionally.

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